header edlersystems cable2 min v4
Starkstromkabel 0,6/1kV

For fixed installation indoors, outdoors, in the ground, in water and concrete and in cable ducts for power stations, industrial and switchgear installations.

Download datasheet ((N)2XY)
Number of conductors x 
Nominal cross-section
Insulation thickness Outer Ø Weight Conductor resistance
at 20°C
Current carrying capacity
at 30°C in air
Current carrying capacity
at 20°C in soil
Cu count Central warehouse Central warehouse Factory warehouse Factory warehouse
mm² approx. mm approx. mm approx. kg/km ca. Ω/km A A kg/km J O J O
1 x 16 RE 0,7 10,1 222,0 1,2 98,0 115,0 160,0
1 x 25 RM 0,9 11,8 328,0 0,727 148,0 145,0 250,0
1 x 35 RM 0,9 13,0 428,0 0,524 170,0 177,0 350,0
1 x 50 RM 1,0 14,5 562,0 0,387 207,0 209,0 500,0
1 x 70 RM 1,1 16,5 779,0 0,268 263,0 256,0 700,0
1 x 95 RM 1,1 18,4 1.040,0 0,193 325,0 307,0 950,0
1 x 120 RM 1,2 20,2 1.296,0 0,153 380,0 348,0 1.200,0
1 x 150 RM 1,4 22,2 1.579,0 0,124 437,0 393,0 1.500,0
1 x 185 RM 1,6 24,8 1.981,0 0,0991 507,0 445,0 1.850,0
1 x 240 RM 1,7 27,7 2.560,0 0,0754 604,0 517,0 2.400,0
1 x 300 RM 1,8 29,9 3.142,0 0,0601 697,0 583,0 3.000,0
1 x 400 RM 2,0 33,5 4.021,0 0,047 811,0 663,0 4.000,0
2 x 1,5 RE 0,7 10,7 159,0 12,1 24,0 31,0 30,0
2 x 2,5 RE 0,7 11,5 195,0 7,4 32,0 40,0 50,0
2 x 4 RE 0,7 12,5 249,0 4,6 42,0 52,0 80,0
2 x 6 RE 0,7 13,5 311,0 3,1 53,0 64,0 120,0
2 x 10 RE 0,7 16,1 465,0 1,8 74,0 86,0 200,0
2 x 16 RE 0,7 18,2 642,0 1,2 98,0 112,0 320,0
3 x 1,5 RE 0,7 11,3 177,0 12,1 24,0 31,0 45,0
3 x 2,5 RE 0,7 12,0 223,0 7,4 32,0 40,0 75,0
3 x 4 RE 0,7 13,1 291,0 4,6 42,0 52,0 120,0
3 x 6 RE 0,7 14,1 370,0 3,1 53,0 64,0 180,0
3 x 10 RE 0,7 16,9 562,0 1,8 74,0 86,0 300,0
3 x 16 RE 0,7 19,2 790,0 1,2 102,0 112,0 480,0
3 x 25 RM 0,9 23,7 1.234,0 0,727 133,0 145,0 750,0
3 x 35 RM 0,9 26,6 1.620,0 0,524 162,0 174,0 1.050,0
3 x 50 RM 1,0 27,1 1.800,0 0,387 197,0 206,0 1.500,0
3 x 70 RM 1,1 31,2 2.400,0 0,268 250,0 254,0 2.100,0
3 x 95 RM 1,1 34,5 3.300,0 0,193 308,0 305,0 2.850,0
3 x 25 RM/16 RE 0,9/0,7 25,0 1.500,0 0,727/1,15 133,0 145,0 910,0
3 x 35 RM/16 RE 0,9/0,7 27,0 1.700,0 0,524/1,15 162,0 174,0 1.210,0
3 x 50/35 RM 1,0/0,9 31,0 2.300,0 0,387/0,524 197,0 206,0 1.850,0
3 x 70/50 RM 1,1/1,0 35,0 2.800,0 0,268/0,387 250,0 254,0 2.600,0
3 x 95/50 RM 1,1/1,0 39,0 3.800,0 0,193/0,387 308,0 305,0 3.350,0
3 x 120/70 RM 1,2/1,1 44,0 4.700,0 0,153/0,268 359,0 348,0 4.300,0
3 x 150/70 RM 1,4/1,1 47,0 5.600,0 0,124/0,268 412,0 392,0 5.200,0
3 x 185/95 RM 1,6/1,1 53,0 7.400,0 0,0991/0,193 475,0 444,0 6.500,0
3 x 240/120 RM 1,7/1,2 59,0 9.600,0 0,0754/0,153 564,0 517,0 8.400,0
4 x 1,5 RE 0,7 11,8 202,0 12,1 24,0 31,0 60,0
4 x 2,5 RE 0,7 12,8 258,0 7,4 32,0 40,0 100,0
4 x 4 RE 0,7 14,0 343,0 4,6 42,0 52,0 160,0
4 x 6 RE 0,7 15,2 442,0 3,1 53,0 64,0 240,0
4 x 10 RE 0,7 18,4 678,0 1,8 74,0 86,0 400,0
4 x 16 RE 0,7 21,7 1.013,0 1,2 102,0 112,0 640,0
4 x 25 RM 0,9 26,2 1.530,0 0,727 133,0 145,0 1.000,0
4 x 35 RM 0,9 27,4 1.990,0 0,524 162,0 174,0 1.400,0
4 x 50 RM 1,0 29,0 2.071,0 0,387 197,0 206,0 2.000,0
4 x 70 RM 1,1 31,1 2.908,0 0,268 250,0 254,0 2.800,0
4 x 95 RM 1,1 35,1 3.958,0 0,193 308,0 305,0 3.800,0
4 x 120 RM 1,2 38,8 4.959,0 0,153 359,0 348,0 4.800,0
4 x 150 RM 1,4 42,5 6.061,0 0,124 412,0 392,0 6.000,0
4 x 185 RM 1,6 47,5 7.632,0 0,0991 475,0 444,0 7.400,0
4 x 240 RM 1,7 52,6 9.908,0 0,0754 564,0 517,0 9.600,0
5 x 1,5 RE 0,7 15,0 270,0 12,1 24,0 31,0 75,0
5 x 2,5 RE 0,7 16,0 350,0 7,4 32,0 40,0 125,0
5 x 4 RE 0,7 18,0 480,0 4,6 42,0 52,0 200,0
5 x 6 RE 0,7 19,0 610,0 3,1 53,0 64,0 300,0
5 x 10 RE 0,7 21,0 880,0 1,8 74,0 86,0 500,0
5 x 16 RE 0,7 24,0 1.250,0 1,2 102,0 112,0 800,0
5 x 25 RM 0,9 29,0 1.950,0 0,727 133,0 145,0 1.250,0
5 x 35 RM 0,9 30,0 2.400,0 0,524 162,0 174,0 1.750,0
5 x 50 RM 1,0 36,0 3.500,0 0,387 197,0 206,0 2.500,0
5 x 70 RM 1,1 40,0 4.450,0 0,268 250,0 254,0 3.500,0
5 x 95 RM 1,1 46,0 6.134,0 0,193 308,0 305,0 4.750,0
5 x 120 RM 1,2 50,0 7.483,0 0,153 359,0 349,0 6.000,0
7 x 1,5 RE 0,7 14,1 300,0 12,1 24,0 31,0 105,0
7 x 2,5 RE 0,7 15,2 420,0 7,4 32,0 40,0 175,0
12 x 1,5 RE 0,7 17,5 400,0 12,1 24,0 31,0 180,0
12 x 2,5 RE 0,7 18,9 560,0 7,4 32,0 40,0 300,0
19 x 1,5 RE 0,7 19,5 560,0 12,1 24,0 31,0 285,0
24 x 1,5 RE 0,7 22,5 700,0 12,1 24,0 31,0 360,0

according to VDE 0276-603/HD 603 S1
from 7 cores VDE 0276-627/HD 627 S1
and IEC 60502-1

  • Bare copper conductor, solid (RE)
  • according to DIN VDE 0295 cl.1, IEC 60228 cl.1
    or stranded (RM)
    according to DIN VDE 0295 cl.2, IEC 60228 cl.2
  • VPE - core insulation
  • Core labelling according to HD 308 S2
    from 7 core version black with numbers
  • PVC - filling coat (FM) or banding (BD)
  • PVC - outer sheath
  • Sheath colour black
Nominal voltage U₀/U: 0,6/1 kV
Testing voltage: 4000 V
Temperature range:
When laying: max. -5°C
Operating temperature: -30°C to +70°C
Conductor operating temperature: max. +90°C
Short-circuit temperature: max. +250°C/5 sec.
Minimum bending radius:
single core: 15 x DA
multicore: 12 x DA
Fire behaviour:
Execution (N)2XY: IEC 60332-1
Execution (N)2XY-FR: IEC 60332-3