header edlersystems cable2 min v4
Starkstromkabel 0,6/1kV

As a power supply cable for power stations, industry and switchgear, house connections and street lighting as well as a control cable for transmitting control pulses and measured values. For fixed installation indoors, outdoors, in the ground, in water and in cable ducts if no risk of mechanical damage is to be expected.

Download datasheet (E-YY)
Number of conductors x 
Nominal cross-section
Insulation thickness Outer Ø Weight Conductor resistance
at 20°C
Current carrying capacity
at 30°C in air
Current carrying capacity
at 20°C in soil
Cu count Central warehouse Central warehouse
mm² approx. mm approx. mm approx. kg/km ca. Ω/km A A kg/km J O
1 x 4 RE 1,0 9,0 110,0 4,6 37,0 50,0 40,0
1 x 6 RE 1,0 9,5 130,0 3,1 47,0 62,0 60,0
1 x 10 RE 1,0 10,0 180,0 1,8 64,0 83,0 100,0
1 x 16 RE 1,0 11,0 240,0 1,2 84,0 107,0 160,0
1 x 16 RM 1,0 11,0 240,0 1,2 84,0 107,0 160,0
1 x 25 RM 1,2 13,0 350,0 0,727 114,0 138,0 250,0
1 x 35 RM 1,2 14,0 460,0 0,524 139,0 164,0 350,0
1 x 50 RM 1,4 15,0 600,0 0,387 169,0 195,0 500,0
1 x 70 RM 1,4 17,0 800,0 0,268 213,0 238,0 700,0
1 x 95 RM 1,6 19,0 1.100,0 0,193 264,0 286,0 950,0
1 x 120 RM 1,6 21,0 1.350,0 0,153 307,0 325,0 1.200,0
1 x 150 RM 1,8 23,0 1.650,0 0,124 352,0 365,0 1.500,0
1 x 185 RM 2,0 25,0 2.000,0 0,0991 406,0 413,0 1.850,0
1 x 240 RM 2,2 27,0 2.600,0 0,0754 483,0 479,0 2.400,0
1 x 300 RM 2,4 30,0 3.200,0 0,0601 557,0 541,0 3.000,0
1 x 400 RM 2,6 34,0 4.100,0 0,047 646,0 614,0 4.000,0
1 x 500 RM 2,8 38,0 5.200,0 0,0366 747,0 693,0 5.000,0
1 x 630 RM 2,8 42,0 6.650,0 0,0283 858,0 777,0 6.300,0
2 x 1,5 RE 0,8 12,0 170,0 12,1 19,0 27,0 30,0
2 x 2,5 RE 0,8 13,0 210,0 7,4 25,0 36,0 50,0
2 x 4 RE 1,0 14,0 290,0 4,6 34,0 47,0 80,0
2 x 6 RE 1,0 15,0 360,0 3,1 43,0 59,0 120,0
2 x 10 RE 1,0 17,0 490,0 1,8 59,0 79,0 200,0
2 x 16 RM 1,0 19,0 660,0 1,2 79,0 103,0 320,0
3 x 1,5 RE 0,8 12,0 190,0 12,1 19,0 27,0 45,0
3 x 2,5 RE 0,8 13,0 240,0 7,4 25,0 36,0 75,0
3 x 4 RE 1,0 15,0 330,0 4,6 34,0 47,0 120,0
3 x 6 RE 1,0 16,0 420,0 3,1 43,0 59,0 180,0
3 x 10 RE 1,0 18,0 580,0 1,8 59,0 79,0 300,0
3 x 10 RM 1,0 18,0 580,0 1,8 59,0 79,0 300,0
3 x 16 RE 1,0 20,0 810,0 1,2 79,0 103,0 480,0
3 x 16 RM 1,0 20,0 810,0 1,2 79,0 103,0 480,0
3 x 25 RM 1,2 24,0 1.300,0 0,727 106,0 133,0 750,0
3 x 35 SM 1,2 24,0 1.400,0 0,524 129,0 159,0 1.050,0
3 x 50 SM 1,4 26,0 1.800,0 0,387 157,0 188,0 1.500,0
3 x 70 SM 1,4 29,7 2.400,0 0,268 199,0 232,0 2.100,0
3 x 95 SM 1,6 33,8 3.300,0 0,193 246,0 280,0 2.850,0
3 x 120 SM 1,6 35,8 4.000,0 0,153 285,0 318,0 3.600,0
3 x 150 SM 1,8 39,8 4.900,0 0,124 326,0 359,0 4.500,0
3 x 185 SM 2,0 46,0 6.500,0 0,0991 374,0 406,0 5.550,0
3 x 240 SM 2,2 51,0 8.300,0 0,0754 445,0 473,0 7.200,0
3 x 25 RM/16 RE 1,2/1,0 26,0 1.500,0 0,727/1,15 106,0 133,0 910,0
3 x 35 SM/16 RE 1,2/1,0 26,0 1.700,0 0,524/1,15 129,0 159,0 1.210,0
3 x 50 SM/25 RM 1,4/1,2 30,0 2.300,0 0,387/0727 157,0 188,0 1.750,0
3 x 70/35 SM 1,4/1,2 33,0 2.800,0 0,268/0,524 199,0 232,0 2.450,0
3 x 95/50 SM 1,6/1,4 38,0 3.800,0 0,193/0,387 246,0 280,0 3.350,0
3 x 120/70 SM 1,6/1,4 40,0 4.700,0 0,153/0,268 285,0 318,0 4.300,0
3 x 150/70 SM 1,8/1,4 44,0 5.600,0 0,124/0,268 326,0 359,0 5.200,0
3 x 185/95 SM 2,0/1,6 49,0 7.400,0 0,0991/0,193 374,0 406,0 6.500,0
3 x 240/120 SM 2,2/1,6 55,0 9.600,0 0,0754/0,153 445,0 473,0 8.400,0
3 x 300/150 SM 2,4/1,8 66,0 11.200,0 0,0601/0,124 511,0 535,0 10.500,0
4 x 1,5 RE 0,8 13,0 220,0 12,1 19,0 27,0 60,0
4 x 2,5 RE 0,8 14,0 290,0 7,4 25,0 36,0 100,0
4 x 4 RE 1,0 16,0 400,0 4,6 34,0 47,0 160,0
4 x 6 RE 1,0 17,0 510,0 3,1 43,0 59,0 240,0
4 x 10 RE 1,0 19,0 720,0 1,8 59,0 79,0 400,0
4 x 10 RM 1,0 19,0 720,0 1,8 59,0 79,0 400,0
4 x 16 RE 1,0 21,0 1.050,0 1,2 79,0 103,0 640,0
4 x 16 RM 1,0 21,0 1.050,0 1,2 79,0 103,0 640,0
4 x 25 RM 1,2 26,0 1.600,0 0,727 106,0 133,0 1.000,0
4 x 35 SM 1,2 26,0 1.750,0 0,524 129,0 159,0 1.400,0
4 x 50 SM 1,4 30,0 2.300,0 0,387 157,0 188,0 2.000,0
4 x 70 SM 1,4 34,0 3.100,0 0,268 199,0 232,0 2.800,0
4 x 95 SM 1,6 38,0 4.200,0 0,193 246,0 280,0 3.800,0
4 x 120 SM 1,6 42,0 5.200,0 0,153 285,0 318,0 4.800,0
4 x 150 SM 1,8 46,0 6.400,0 0,124 326,0 359,0 6.000,0
4 x 185 SM 2,0 51,0 8.050,0 0,0991 374,0 406,0 7.400,0
4 x 240 SM 2,2 57,0 11.000,0 0,0754 445,0 473,0 9.600,0
5 x 1,5 RE 0,8 14,0 270,0 12,1 19,0 27,0 75,0
5 x 2,5 RE 0,8 15,0 350,0 7,4 25,0 36,0 125,0
5 x 4 RE 1,0 17,0 480,0 4,6 34,0 47,0 200,0
5 x 6 RE 1,0 19,0 610,0 3,1 43,0 59,0 300,0
5 x 10 RE 1,0 21,0 880,0 1,8 59,0 79,0 500,0
5 x 10 RM 1,0 21,0 880,0 1,8 59,0 79,0 500,0
5 x 16 RE 1,0 23,0 1.250,0 1,2 79,0 103,0 800,0
5 x 16 RM 1,0 23,0 1.250,0 1,2 79,0 103,0 800,0
5 x 25 RM 1,2 29,0 1.950,0 0,727 106,0 133,0 1.250,0
5 x 35 RM 1,2 30,0 2.400,0 0,524 129,0 159,0 1.750,0
5 x 50 RM 1,4 36,0 3.500,0 0,387 157,0 188,0 2.500,0
5 x 50 SM 1,4 36,0 3.500,0 0,387 157,0 188,0 2.500,0
5 x 70 RM 1,4 40,0 4.450,0 0,268 199,0 232,0 3.500,0
5 x 95 RM 1,6 46,0 6.134,0 0,193 246,0 280,0 4.750,0
5 x 95 SM 1,6 46,0 6.134,0 0,193 246,0 280,0 4.750,0
5 x 120 RM 1,6 50,0 7.483,0 0,153 285,0 318,0 6.000,0
5 x 150 RM 1,8 58,0 8.240,0 0,124 326,0 359,0 7.500,0
7 x 1,5 RE 0,8 16,0 300,0 12,1 19,0 27,0 105,0
7 x 2,5 RE 0,8 17,0 420,0 7,4 25,0 36,0 175,0
7 x 4 RE 1,0 19,0 630,0 4,6 34,0 47,0 280,0
7 x 6 RE 1,0 21,0 840,0 3,1 43,0 59,0 420,0
7 x 10 RE 1,0 23,0 1.150,0 1,8 59,0 79,0 700,0
10 x 1,5 RE 0,8 19,0 360,0 12,1 19,0 27,0 150,0
10 x 2,5 RE 0,8 20,0 500,0 7,4 25,0 36,0 250,0
12 x 1,5 RE 0,8 19,0 400,0 12,1 19,0 27,0 180,0
12 x 2,5 RE 0,8 21,0 560,0 7,4 25,0 36,0 300,0
14 x 1,5 RE 0,8 20,0 450,0 12,1 19,0 27,0 210,0
14 x 2,5 RE 0,8 21,0 630,0 7,4 25,0 36,0 350,0
16 x 1,5 RE 0,8 21,0 500,0 12,1 19,0 27,0 240,0
16 x 2,5 RE 0,8 22,0 710,0 7,4 25,0 36,0 400,0
19 x 1,5 RE 0,8 22,0 560,0 12,1 19,0 27,0 285,0
19 x 2,5 RE 0,8 23,0 830,0 7,4 25,0 36,0 475,0
21 x 1,5 RE 0,8 19,0 620,0 12,1 19,0 27,0 315,0
21 x 2,5 RE 0,8 23,0 910,0 7,4 25,0 36,0 525,0
24 x 1,5 RE 0,8 25,0 700,0 12,1 19,0 27,0 360,0
24 x 2,5 RE 0,8 27,0 1.050,0 7,4 25,0 36,0 600,0
30 x 1,5 RE 0,8 26,0 810,0 12,1 19,0 27,0 450,0
30 x 2,5 RE 0,8 28,0 1.250,0 7,4 25,0 36,0 750,0
40 x 1,5 RE 0,8 29,0 1.050,0 12,1 19,0 27,0 600,0
40 x 2,5 RE 0,8 31,0 1.650,0 7,4 25,0 36,0 1.000,0
61 x 1,5 RE 0,8 34,0 1.650,0 12,1 19,0 27,0 915,0

ÖVE K23 und K603/HD 603 S1
from 7 cores K627/HD 627 S1 

  • Bare copper conductor, solid (RE)
  • according to DIN VDE 0295 cl.1, IEC 60228 cl.1
    or stranded (RM/SM)
    according to DIN VDE 0295 cl.2, IEC 60228 cl.2
  • PVC - core insulation DIV4
  • Core labelling according to HD 308 S2
    from 7-core version black with numbers
  • PVC - Filling jacket (FM)
    or banding (BD)
  • PVC outer sheath DMV 5
  • Sheath colour black
Nominal voltage U₀/U: 0,6/1 kV
Testing voltage: 4000 V
Temperature range:
When laying: max. -5°C
Operating temperature: -30°C to +70°C
Conductor operating temperature: max. +70°C
Short-circuit temperature:
≤ 300mm²: max. 160°C/5 sec.
> 300mm²: max. 140°C/5 sec.
Minimum bending radius:
single core: 15 x DA
multicore: 12 x DA
CPR performance class: Eca