U-1000 AR2V

header edlersystems cable2 min v4
Kabel nach internationalem Standard
U-1000 AR2V

For fixed installation indoors, outdoors, in cable ducts and in the ground (only with mechanical protection) in power stations, industrial and switchgear installations.

Download datasheet (U-1000 AR2V)
Number of conductors x 
Nominal cross-section
Insulation thickness Outer Ø Weight Conductor resistance
at 20°C
Current carrying capacity
at 30°C
Current carrying capacity
at 30°C in air
Aluminum count Central warehouse Central warehouse Factory warehouse Factory warehouse
mm² approx. mm approx. mm approx. kg/km ca. Ω/km A A kg/km G x G x
1 x 25 0,9 12,5 150,0 1,2 112,0 115,0 74,0
1 x 35 0,9 13,5 185,0 0,868 138,0 139,0 103,0
1 x 50 1,0 15,0 235,0 0,641 168,0 167,0 147,0
1 x 70 1,1 17,0 310,0 0,443 213,0 206,0 206,0
1 x 95 1,1 19,0 400,0 0,32 258,0 247,0 279,0
1 x 120 1,2 21,0 480,0 0,253 299,0 283,0 353,0
1 x 150 1,4 23,0 595,0 0,206 344,0 316,0 441,0
1 x 185 1,6 25,5 725,0 0,164 392,0 357,0 544,0
1 x 240 1,7 28,5 930,0 0,125 461,0 413,0 706,0
1 x 300 1,8 31,0 1.155,0 0,1 525,0 468,0 882,0
1 x 400 2,0 34,5 1.460,0 0,0778 613,0 538,0 1.200,0
1 x 500 2,2 38,5 1.845,0 0,0605 687,0 608,0 1.510,0
3 G 25 0,9 23,5 615,0 1,2 100,0 110,0 221,0
3 G 35 0,9 26,0 775,0 0,868 125,0 133,0 309,0
3 G 50 1,0 29,5 1.005,0 0,41 151,0 159,0 441,0
3 G 70 1,1 34,0 1.365,0 0,443 192,0 197,0 618,0
3 G 95 1,1 38,5 1.765,0 0,32 232,0 236,0 838,0
3 G 120 1,2 42,5 2.175,0 0,253 269,0 269,0 1.059,0
3 G 150 1,4 47,5 2.700,0 0,206 309,0 301,0 1.323,0
3 G 185 1,6 53,0 3.300,0 0,164 353,0 339,0 1.632,0
3 G 240 1,7 59,5 4.270,0 0,125 415,0 393,0 2.118,0
3 G 300 1,8 66,0 5.295,0 0,1 472,0 445,0 2.646,0
3 G 50/35 1,1/0,9 31,1 1.150,0 0,641/0,868 151,0 159,0 544,0
3 G 70/50 1,1/1,0 36,2 1.545,0 0,443/0,641 192,0 197,0 765,0
3 G 95/50 1,1/1,0 40,6 1.935,0 0,32/0,641 232,0 236,0 985,0
3 x 120/70 1,2/1,1 45,4 2.415,0 0,253/0,443 269,0 269,0 1.265,0
3 G 150/70 1,4/1,1 49,5 2.890,0 0,206/0,443 309,0 301,0 1.529,0
3 G 185/95 1,6/1,1 54,4 3.495,0 0,164/0,32 353,0 339,0 1.911,0
3 G 240/95 1,7/1,1 61,5 4.495,0 0,125/0,32 415,0 393,0 2.470,0
3 G 300/150 1,8/1,4 69,6 5.865,0 0,100/0,206 472,0 445,0 3.087,0
4 G 25 0,9 25,5 735,0 1,2 100,0 110,0 294,0
4 G 35 0,9 28,5 910,0 0,868 125,0 133,0 412,0
4 G 50 1,0 32,5 1.195,0 0,641 151,0 159,0 588,0
4 G 70 1,1 37,5 1.625,0 0,443 192,0 197,0 823,0
4 G 95 1,1 42,5 2.110,0 0,32 232,0 236,0 1.117,0
4 G 120 1,2 47,5 2.610,0 0,253 269,0 269,0 1.411,0
4 G 150 1,4 52,5 3.195,0 0,206 309,0 301,0 1.764,0
4 G 185 1,6 59,0 3.970,0 0,164 353,0 339,0 2.176,0
4 G 240 1,7 66,5 5.100,0 0,125 415,0 393,0 2.822,0
4 G 300 1,8 73,5 6.310,0 0,1 472,0 445,0 3.528,0

NF C 32-321 and IEC 60502-1

  • Bare aluminium conductor, stranded (RM) according to IEC 60228 cl.2
  • XLPE - core insulation
  • Core labelling according to HD 308 S2
  • PVC - inner sheath
  • PVC - outer sheath
  • Sheath colour black
Nominal voltage U₀/U: 0,6/1 kV
Testing voltage: 4000 V
Temperature range:
When laying: max. -5 °C
Operating temperature: -10°C to +70°C
Conductor operating temperature: max. +90°C
Short-circuit temperature: max. +250°C/5 sec.
Minimam bending radius: 12 x DA
CPR performance class: IEC 60332-1